Educational Social Networking and K-12 Educational Technology

Educational Social Networking and K-12 Educational Technology

Friday, November 26, 2010

Inspiration Delivers (re-post)

Lyn Hilt's endeavor to incorporate what Daniel Pink calls a "Fed-Ex Day" came not without its obstacles. They say doctors are the worst patients, likewise, educators can be the worst learners. The term 'buy in' always floats around when innovation or change looms in the air. This principal gave her educators the tools (videos) to buy in and then made them go for it. From my own group of colleagues, those who prefer to have a tidy, pre-packaged, let's-have-this-wrapped-up-by-lunchtime-so-we-can-go-home session, I can imagine the faces of loathing and near disgust when the day came to take on this task, a VERY open-ended one that can bring the most seasoned educator to a screeching standstill, heels dug in and all. Kudos to you, Lyn, I'm now following you on Twitter.

RSA - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (D. Pink)

RSA Animate -- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.